Why Anchor Point?

My husband and I started this homestead with self-sufficency in mind. We are a long way from there but further ahead than the majority of people. We have 40 acres and a small cabin 16' x 20'. We have hogs and goats and are working on chickens.

We believe that the US is facing the greatest crisis in her history.  A financial crisis that cannot be cured without a lot of pain. This is our belief your milage may vary. I suggest reading Survivalblog.com for what we are trying to accomplish.

We picked AP because it is beautiful, has good water, enough light 6 months a year for greenhouse use, a rural and self-sufficient attitude..and at the end of the road from Anchorage. A good part of Alaska as far as weather goes. Good hunting and fishing. Plenty of firewood and a great location for wind energy.

We are looking for someone (or a family) to join us. If you are in Alaska or will be soon and interested in joining an already in progress retreat email me at:


Our goals for this year are:  Clearing an area for a garden
                                             Cutting several years of firewood
                                             Building housing for our animals
                                             Building at least one more cabin
                                             Digging a root cellar

Talents we could use:          Welding..always needed
                                              Small engine repair
                                              Building and Construction
                                              Gardening/Food storage

What we offer:                     We have most of the materials for a second cabin
                                              we are willing to share all the bounty we create with
                                              the right partner. Since we have invested in this land, livestock
                                              and materials you must be able to contribute talent, time,
                                             and effort.

We are not looking for con-artists or freeloaders. We are Christian but are not a religous retreat. We are both veterans and not interested in anti-American or illegal activities.

Most of the rest of the blog will be dedicated to pictures. Feel free to ask questions.